Monday, February 2, 2015

emm have a question, how is that that Decree 506/2001 still valid? because according to this decree

International express delivery parcels
I can not distinguish the different services of express delivery. The Uruguayan mail, express delivery is considered? considering that the Uruguayan mail has this service "EXPRESS MAIL SERVICE (EMS)"
Hello, consultation, could explain better how is this new standard ?. I can not buy online over 5 things every year? . For example pos malaysia site? Florence 7/17/12 at 4:15 PM
emm have a question, how is that that Decree 506/2001 still valid? because according to this decree internet shopping if they pay taxes .. and not much about the law but can not be two laws against each other, pos malaysia if this apsa only one is valid, and in this case I think is the art 277 The new law establishes the ceiling of 200 usd, which still do not understand is whether to pay customs broker or simply if worth less than 200 usd t contains all data, etc you take him home? Richard 23/07/12 at 3:07
I made a purchase through Internet last month, the problem is that I move in a few days and the parcel besides having my old address does not have my phone number. As you can reach me for delivery? Seba 7/30/12 pos malaysia at 6:46 PM
Question: I want to buy on ebay a toy (helium balloon remote control), the total cost does not exceed U $ S 200. I know it does not pay IMESI, but it is not clear if passed by express delivery or do I need a permit special (not if is classified as "dangerous toy"). It is not only personal business use. Thanks Mauro 8/29/12 at 4:35 PM
I made a purchase in USA for $ 86 (CIF), I had to pay 60% to remove. From what I understood your explanation was told that the tax does not apply to packages that were courier, and that the system for controlling shipments was not soon. The strange thing is I have a friend who has shopped the same place and with similar prices (less than USD 100) and never charged anything. Cristhian 08/30/12 at 0:18
I want to buy something via eBay, which servicemarks are considered USPS EMS? USPS First Class Mail International is considered EMS? Or just would enter in the decree USPS Express Mail International service? pos malaysia Carolina Amaro 09.07.12 at 6:08
I consult them something: in Article 227 of Law No. 18,834 law (on international parcel express delivery) till $ 200 and less than 20 kilos, pos malaysia says something like ... "shall be exempt from payment of customs duties" with this concern that if I buy some of those characteristics ($ 200 = purchase + freight + insurance) will not have to pay anything at customs? and I retired quietly? Patricia 16/09/12 at 22:30
From what I understood my internet shopping has to be less than $ 200, because it has to include insurance and freight, 200 Total 2n. But how much is the insurance and freight? what percentage? Patricia 16/09/12 at 22:39
Freight must find out your supplier. Insurance, if not have, a notional 1% of the value of the merchandise is taken. pos malaysia
All online purchases pos malaysia that are not covered by the decree shopping EMS for less than 200 USD, pay taxes. Purchases for less than 100 USD, do not need customs broker and pay a simplified clearance of 60% on the CIF value.
You can buy many times as desired. What exempt only five purchases come properly identified by mail EMS. For all other purchases should be taxed.
Must be taxed performing an import. To give you an estimate, give accurate our customs brokers through our form, the CIF (cost, insurance and freight), shipping, gross weight, origin and merchandise value.
Dear Mr. I have read your comments pos malaysia on the product, I thank you because clarified and simplified some of my doubts. Now I consult, I have in a cosmetic way to buy at a great price online course had no knowledge pos malaysia that they were not under the regime of tax exempt. Fortunately the cost is less than 100 dollars, if I understood well, I must pay 60% ?. Also buy a device for deaf IMESI pay taxes? If you package goods several items worth less than $ 200, it is counted as a single shipment? thank you very much Juan Manuel 11.08.12 at 21:00
I'm finding to buy a cell phone online. What am assuring me is it by courier and that the sum of the team + shipping not exceed $ 200, in order to enter the new decree. But I read that apart from these requirements, it also depends on the type of merchandise. In this case, you would any other requirements? Thank you very much. daniel 22/11/12 at 14:37
Hi, I have a commodity in Chinese only time x x DHL, cost us $ 160 merchandise, DHL us $ 120. how do I have to do and how much charge you have? E x is expres.gracias time and am interest

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