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The partial shutdown of government services in the U.S., which went into effect yesterday following the GOP opposition to increase federal funding of health services, did not prevent her going off the Obama plan - cold - the most dramatic upgrade pos malaysia tracking U.S. health insurance plans since its inception insurance programs for the underprivileged and pensioners in 1965. However, this downtime is only Intro significant and dramatic confrontation pos malaysia tracking much more - it's happening in Congress about raising the U.S. debt ceiling. If Republicans do not approve the move, the world's largest economy may enter a state of insolvency and impressing pos malaysia tracking the world a new economic crisis.
Read more Calcalist Analysts on the U.S. crisis: "This is not a drama, downtime has been priced markets" USA without a budget: million workers freedom, Obama was paralyzed government operations - cold: the average payment for health insurance - 328 dollars a month's trump card Obama
Yesterday launched a revolutionary health insurance plan of Obama, pos malaysia tracking almost three years after the signing of the Patient Protection and expansion of health insurance in the background bitter political struggle going on in Congress. The reform will allow some 50 million Americans without health pos malaysia tracking insurance to register pos malaysia tracking a variety of types of government-subsidized insurance pos malaysia tracking programs. Now, after arduous labor pains, the program will be the real test and the most important test of market prospects. pos malaysia tracking
Schedule set by the government, private providers pos malaysia tracking have yesterday to offer subsidized plans through websites established by each state, and citizens can begin to register pos malaysia tracking them. On January 1, they will be eligible for insurance benefits, and those who will be insured the same day - will be fined. Also, insurance companies will be prohibited to prevent benefits from those stated on various health pos malaysia tracking items, including pregnancy or disability.
Obama's reform remains the strongest political card and its most significant, after Republicans blocked his attempts to ease the immigration laws and exacerbate the illegal possession of weapons. Precisely for this reason that Obama announced last week that he vetoes pos malaysia tracking any stopping his health plan, and in the meantime he manages to keep his promise and not give in to pressure from Republicans. Members of the conservative faction among Republicans, who had been among the extremist current in power nowadays quite heavily, and them raising taxes on the wealthy - like Obama would like to introduce to finance health care reform pos malaysia tracking - is unacceptable. pos malaysia tracking
As mentioned, the real danger hovers over the U.S. economy is if Republicans and Democrats do not agree on raising the debt ceiling. U.S. Treasury must borrow money to bridge the gap between his spending his income, the amount of money allowed to borrow is set by Congress - that is the debt ceiling , currently at 16.7 trillion.
On October pos malaysia tracking 17, the U.S. Treasury is expected to reach the debt ceiling that will not be able to continue to borrow money to finance pos malaysia tracking its expenditures. U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob had estimated in May that the government would need to upload 260 billion debt ceiling to continue operating. Reaching the debt ceiling is an event that never happened in American history, and legislation was not prepared for this eventuality.
Before Obama have three basic choices of Arrival debt ceiling: it can decide the duty of the government to continue to fund the operation exceeds the duty not to break the debt ceiling, and direct the government to continue issuing pos malaysia tracking bonds; Another possibility is that he will direct the Treasury to continue to finance just some of the costs Depending on their importance to him, and the third option is that it would halt all funding government spending.
Stopping pos malaysia tracking the expenses pos malaysia tracking of administration may cause turbulence in the whole world and ignite a new financial crisis. This is because the U.S. will become insolvent in practice, and its bonds, which are considered the most secure securities in the capital markets, will become worthless. Whether pos malaysia tracking Obama will choose one of two other options, the likelihood of realization of the nightmare scenario still exists, although the probability is lower.
The U.S. has already faced several times to break the debt ceiling, and each time managed Republicans and Democrats to formulate a solution that will allow the economy to continue functioning. However, pos malaysia tracking disabling services administration indicates that unlike the past, the gaps between the parties are very deep, and all of them ready to use all the arsenal available to him to come out with the upper hand.
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