Sunday, November 17, 2013

The basis for the development of ITS is mutual agreement b post between transport companies and cli

IDS is now the most effective way to better use and more attractive public transport persons in the region for its users. According to Art. 2, point. m) Regulation of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) no. 1370/2007 of 23 October 2007 on public service in transport by rail and by road to "Integrated services in the public passenger transport services" means interconnected transport services in the defined geographical area with a single information service, ticketing scheme and timetable. It is therefore a functional link rail transport system with urban and suburban bus services b post to the interconnected system of trails, routes and services, the benefits of applying uniform tariffs, conditions of carriage, and a common passport.
The essence of the single tariff system, while the most sensitive issue IDS is the redistribution of revenues, selected by individual participating carriers, because the IDS due to the existence b post of a universal single ticket valid in vehicles of different carriers there is a direct relationship between transport services, provided one specific carrier, and it selected sales.
IDS is therefore characterized by: coordinating the joints of individual modes of transport to travel on one ticket and under the same rules by any transport mode =, shared information systems.
The basis for the development of ITS is mutual agreement b post between transport companies and clients b post of services in a particular region. Based on it, some responsibilities of stakeholders in creating lines, networks, timetables and fares, as well as public relations transferred to a separate organization, ensuring the effective and transport service in the region without the carrier itself (in terms of traffic and transport interests competition must operate neutral). This organization provides mainly the following tasks: traffic surveys and market research, planning routes and networks, including stops and transitions between different b post modes of transport, draft timetable for any such links. in terms of connections, b post the driving time, duration of operation, supply capacity and under., changes common tariffs, revenue distribution, transport statistics, the development of a unified information system, advertising and public relations work, cooperation with state authorities, local government and the interest groups b post in all issues relating to public passenger transport and urban planning limited territory.
The basis for cooperation partners in the IDS is a system of contracts (basic agreement on key objectives, common agreement on the status and roles of members and authorities IDS, contract sales and distribution agreement for distribution losses). and. Description subsystems IDS
Organizations - the economic subsystem represents the structure and processes, IDS. Organizational structure as elements refill the highest hierarchical level cities, municipalities, state and local administration as Clients transport operations, and carriers to transport service providers. The links between these elements represent a direct bond management, coordination bonds, property relations, trade relations, financial and information flows. Top management processes are formulation of a service contract, commercial and organizational management contract of carriage, planning and management of revenues and payments, finance transport contract and running IDS, IDS organizational development.
The main components of this subsystem include: legislative framework b post IDS, ie the laws of the Slovak b post Republic and defining legal relations for IDS processes. Significant surrounding the legal definition of IDS represent EU legislation, the provisions of which are gradually adopted into national legislation. IDS area of interest, ie the territory on which it is run by a public transport through ITS. Structural organization of IDS, IDS architecture in organizational terms, ie arrangement of subjects IDS to a certain structure, links in the structure, organization (control) subjects IDS. Funding IDS, ie, system resources, funding, recipients of funding, financial flows between sources and recipients, mechanisms of calculations for individual financial flows, losses and payments.
Within this subsystem down and governed b post financial flows between operators ITS, in particular the division of revenues from tourism flows between carriers and financial compensation to cover the cost of the eligible costs of transport which are not covered by revenues from tourism. Redistribution of revenues and expenses in the IDS
Cost IDS are: Operating costs carriers operating b post expenses bodies IDS (administrator), cost information system investment cost carriers, cost of training and development b post of IDS.
To determine the amount of sales of the selected fare for each IDS participating carriers and necessary reimbursement, the following principles: Selected Travel must be divided among various carriers participating in the IDS them in proportion realizovanýc

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