Monday, March 10, 2014

Messaggio del 25 March 2013 Cari FIGLI! In questo tempo di Grazia vi invito a prendere fra le mani

Message of May 25, 2013 "Dear children, today I call you to be strong flat rate shipping and steadfast in faith and prayer that your prayer is strong enough to open the middle of my beloved Son Jesus Pray, little children , without ceasing your heart may be open to God's love. I am you, intercede for all of you and I pray for your conversion. Thank you for having responded to my Calls. "Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our Lady once again invites us to pray, because prayer is the only security against evil, represented by the devil. Being so ugly and badly need to hide and retrieve the body of a person who is weak to exercise his evil power. That is why the Mother of Jesus warns us against him too afraid! Let us continue to pray for friends, even if only by heart but have faith, something we wear skin blessed, pray the Rosary and we are practicing Christians: build ourselves a barrier against flat rate shipping attack The devil, feeding us the Body and Blood of Jesus, let us trust in Him by the hand of Mary. Clothe the love of God, the Holy Spirit to continue to witness the Risen Jesus, let us love one another as Jesus loved us ... And, regarding the incident happened at Vatican A young man freed from the power of evil, we can only say that it is an act of love, by the Pope, God's side against which no one can do anything, because it is the 'powerful Always follow all ... our Father in heaven, that which is good and merciful, slow to anger. Searching our hearts and always waiting for us even when we make mistakes: we perform good deeds, even if they are not perfect, because he looks at our intentions and love us. Everything is based on the love of God, the Holy Spirit will enlighten our path to infinity, only if we can be His instrument and leave us to drive with confidence from Him Dear brother and female, have faith!
Messaggio del 25 March 2013 Cari FIGLI! In questo tempo di Grazia vi invito a prendere fra le mani La Croce del mio Amato Figl ...
兄弟姉妹親愛なる 私たちの愛するパパフランチェスコは本日 他の回のように まったく冗談ではないされましたが シリアの危険な状況について悩んで flat rate shipping はいさて 我々はとても優れているので 我々は これが私達を気にしないと言うことはできません...ない 他に何が起こるか それは私たちに起こ...

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