Easter program of post offices and 1 and May 2
Romanian Post National Company informs that on 21 April, the day of the Feast of the Passover, pin code and in the 1st and May 2nd, 2014, all post offices in urban and rural areas will be closed. Programme is announced in accordance with the Labour Code, according to which the first and second pin code day of Easter holidays are declared legal, it is not working. Also, on days 1 and 2 May, all post offices and sub post their subordinate are closed. On days 12 and 19 April 2014, all postal subunits will have normal hours of work, given that welfare payment rights pin code shall be made in advance, between April 10 to 18, do home until April 29 , subunits postal counters. Following the announced program, your postal presented on 18 and 19 April 2014 to record their largest circulation.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, some co-nationals of us have found to do the wedding on Tuesday, according to tradition ethnicity. And, also according to tradition, took out tables, chairs and musicians supplied background Taman in the street. It happened Tuesday, August 26, ... www.patraru.ro See you at TVR! August 14, 2014
Yes, I signed the contract with public television, pin code which made me an offer this summer. The show starts on September 1 will air at 23.00, with a preview of 10 minutes, from 19.50, pin code for those who still complained that sleep before the show. It will be a ... Read more
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Romanian Post National Company informs that on 21 April, the day of the Feast of the Passover, pin code and in the 1st and May 2nd, 2014, all post offices in urban and rural areas will be closed. Programme is announced in accordance with the Labour Code, according to which the first and second pin code day of Easter holidays are declared legal, it is not working. Also, on days 1 and 2 May, all post offices and sub post their subordinate are closed. On days 12 and 19 April 2014, all postal subunits will have normal hours of work, given that welfare payment rights pin code shall be made in advance, between April 10 to 18, do home until April 29 , subunits postal counters. Following the announced program, your postal presented on 18 and 19 April 2014 to record their largest circulation.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, some co-nationals of us have found to do the wedding on Tuesday, according to tradition ethnicity. And, also according to tradition, took out tables, chairs and musicians supplied background Taman in the street. It happened Tuesday, August 26, ... www.patraru.ro See you at TVR! August 14, 2014
Yes, I signed the contract with public television, pin code which made me an offer this summer. The show starts on September 1 will air at 23.00, with a preview of 10 minutes, from 19.50, pin code for those who still complained that sleep before the show. It will be a ... Read more
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