Wednesday, August 6, 2014

O Rama, the police success is not measured by your government 20 armed peasant that he will end kno

Operation in LAZAR / Rama: State Police are perk up Albania in Europe (VIDEO) | Gazette Theme
Go edi these activity anew after the last communist postal service band who ila na Anwar and Ramiz after the qerohen fertilizers forever from Albania maps and country to move forward just as the Albanians deserve to Europe.
Actually today to speak to Lazaratin televideo! Mor "brave", you made us well known for drugs! The police lumte every day put their lives at risk to protect postal service band ours! Continue this action derine end, the bad seeds germinate again !!!
You are. Track O Ghani Ghani who is miserable to perk up and you will not be called the poor but happy and prosperous, these are our boys state police headed boy with Saima. We support you with all my soul!
Can not the police that has lowered her head to raise ours. According to the police report source A1 comes around postal service band in the outskirts of the village where the director and journalist Didi Asked that when you enter the center you have replied that started slowly slowly. Today is day 5 and about 4mije forces are specialized in this action, are police officers from all over Albania, postal service band and best forces have not advanced even one meter. postal service band Shame on these leaders to the police incapable of humble.
Special Unit 2 kosoves with 36 police officers and ten armored vehicles gjipa is introduced in north Mitrovica and has take over two border posts that were held by Serb rebels even perquar a terrain over 27 km, completely Bauart with Serb paramilitary and regions as a North Mitrovica's Serb inhabited by over 35,000 with all kinds of criminals and paramilitary
this is the funniest thing evervwhat a lot of bollocks from rama & that tahiri bassoon sounds like bunch of pricks They have won a war Fighting Against one poor little village Is that how you show the Powers
immigrant - June 18, 2014 11:48 pm
God kept the big boys who are facing these minute by minute with the shooting of criminals, I wish you wisdom, courage, and as many victories against crime. I do not want to let saluted, prudent and smart interior minister Samir Tahir and all his management staff.
O Rama, the police success is not measured by your government 20 armed peasant that he will end known as confabulation. If you have hips do that for which the Albanians voted, be thrown into prison Co. Sali Berisha and do not sit on facebook gives statement to freshistat excited by the unprecedented postal service band success in these 8 months! As for the topic freshistave aware of the un'm left!
Berisha in prison heals not 25 years that you gave Albania. Most important is e extended with shares postal service band up as any citizen or visitor postal service band to the feeling of sure in Albania itself. Such work will cause you to the dread Brishes gjithkushi street.
O brave Edi ... these policies as you have put so heated and prosecutors' offices, courts, ministries postal service band etc etc to arrest and corrupt officials because ultimately these are the Albanians shkatarrojne more than Lazarat hashish ...
Albania is truly honors in Europe and the World. ---------------------------
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