Friday, November 14, 2014

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Welcome to on-WEAPONS Online Search Forums Register now to gain access to all functions of the forum to get. If you are registered and logged in you can create new topics, reply to existing add discussions, voting and other members, receive legalmail private messages, post status changes and more. This message no longer legalmail appears when you signed up. Some areas contained in WAFFEN-online forums are conveying legalmail our members only. Here you can inform yourself legalmail about membership. If you already have a user account, you can register, login here - Create a user account in the other case here.
Hello wanted to ask those familiar legalmail with weapons shipment, I mchte me a gun order the problem is only that I am not about the day at home to receive it. Can also pick up at the post office, DHL or so. Which parcel service actually shipped weapons?
Wrd I say, the problem who transported the weapon legalmail should be the problem of the sender, and not yours. If you're not there, you get certainly a message, either because then it is again when a delivery attempt is made, or a Tel.Nummer under which you can make an appointment. Before now again break out a big discussion, had an acquaintance legalmail a Voreintrag for a .44 Mag. And the gun is somehow missing the parcel service, had no negative effects, since he had never acknowledged the receipt, the shipper had to take the problem kmmern legalmail and my friend got a different legalmail weapon !!!! Gruss Dadde
I am a member of the Frdervereinigung eV Legal gun ownership! legalmail - Same cost as a Paymember! - Lower tax rate = more for WO! - A strong club members will be taken seriously! You want to join? Here you can register: to top
I have already paid fter a heap of money for the shipment of weapons and ammunition. I think it is just asking for the person who once was on the hardness, it should go to the WBK never. The brat had asked is frh morning, without warning; come I was not there. I have called and wanted to make an appointment for the next day he has to deliver only once, according to his statement. legalmail I hut several miles to go to get to the Pckchen, I have the times explains what expect from a 30 shipping. The stink has come rude the next day and threw me against the Pckchen Fe. The other Pckchen have been given to my mother or just stop berteuert strong even in my night ready cash like normal post.
The DHL Heinies have recently managed In fact, a package I should get delivered by express eigenhndig and to provide just before the door. When I then investigated times, who has since signed as well, me being thrown when tracking service from DHL via the internet a person's name from Dusseldorf. The trick but I live in Westphalia on the border with Lower Saxony. An acquaintance they have the 22 Magnum placed directly in front of the front door. Located in the village! He then found, when he came to three night noon home. The DPD-Freak presents regularly from the packets around the corner on the garage wall. He's not even an attempt at personal service.
Weidmann's Heil Knieperteich --- Guns are responsible for killing as much as Rosie O'Donnel's fork is responsible for her being FAT. Never trust a government does not trust its own did citizens with guns. --Thomas Jefferson to top
A retired PVB I point only to critical points I have learned from practice, but not necessarily reflect my personal view, but result from the different interpretations and applications of the weapons law. Upward
The DHL Heinies have recently managed In fact, a package I should get delivered by express eigenhndig and to provide just before the door. When I then investigated times, who has since signed as well, me being thrown when tracking legalmail service legalmail from DHL via the internet a person's name from Dusseldorf. The trick but I live in Westphalia on the border with Lower Saxony. An acquaintance they have the 22 Magnum legalmail placed directly in front of the front door. Located in the village! He then found, when he came to three night noon home. The DPD-Freak presents regularly from the packets around the corner on the garage wall. He's not even an attempt at personal service. Report complain and package as a loss. Go just simply times NOT pass your garage!
The DHL Heinies have recently legalmail managed In fact, a package that I delivered legalmail eigenhndig and by express

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