Saturday, May 2, 2015

The interviewee (left), Dr. Victor Sammut, with the interviewer (right), Patrick Sammut Brief biogr

This is a blog that focuses on both Maltese and foreign literature. They also included mention of an interesting culture-related matters. See my blog for reviews and studies on different books.
The interviewee (left), Dr. Victor Sammut, with the interviewer (right), Patrick Sammut Brief biography: Dr. Victor Sammut is the current President of the Maltese Literature Group set up 33 years ago. The meeting place is in Parkville, Australia. This group organizes Maltese eve of mużiko-literary nature, where the writings to be read during the event also collected in a booklet as a souvenir. Today few people are interested in GLM, even there because the Maltese language is secondary. Dr. Victor Sammut tnt track is one of the writers Maltese living in Australia. As a profession is a doctor to use with patients Maltese Maltese. He left Malta in 1987. He worked 3 years in a government clinic to having opened his private clinic. Today is 66 years old and would like someone tnt track replacing it in clinic. In his poetry tnt track science to influence many, but uses simple words and nothing complicated. With his poems he tries to teach and even jferraħ. It also documents a spiritual nature. Dr. Victor Sammut be regularly Malta to meet with his friends doctors, others mużewmin and many others who were at school together. Interview: 1. How would you describe yourself as a man? As presently passing typical day? I am a very simple man, ie how can naħrab complications in life. Pleased do my duty the best I can, and live a quiet life with his family. Wake early in the five and a half in the morning and to issue me a visit or two homes of patients, and listening to Mass. Then start the work of the clinic in nine of the morning. Between one hour and two hours after noon to go eat, nistrieħ tnt track little, and I once again start the clinic in three to and finishing between seventh and eight in the evening. About twice a week between tnt track six and a half and nine in the evening was to have a meeting update tnt track in medicine, and then I finished my day job as a wrap files or write any information about patients I have seen during the day. Of course tnt track often indum until late at night because there are some emails and some letters to be answered. Generally go norqod for some eleven of the night. Saturday work half day morning, noon and then make some visits and then go to Mass in the evening where singing in the choir of the parish. tnt track The Sunday morning listening to the Mass of eight, to be Maltese and which also led the singing, and nservi of communion minister. When I find time I like to read in Maltese and English, and write some prose or poetry under the inspiration or the raising of muża. 2. What do you remember from the days of your childhood and youth in Malta? I was the second of five children, and my father had to travel a lot in the Royal Navy, therefore grew very close to my mother, and that I boast ingħid closest to it among brothers. Niftakarha wake up early to tħejjilna breakfast for morning and lunch for school, and rabbietna great devotion in the fear of God. I always like to study, and I like to exercise in my memory, both in the school, which always gained good marks, and even the "MUSEUM", which I am pleased to quote the steps of the script, the saints, and by the "voice of the Beloved". Was in the "MUSEUM" I started to write in Maltese, many spelling mistakes first. I always like the Maltese language as their mother is my home, and I wholeheartedly insewwed that St Aloysius College, where I spent seven years, we were not we talk in Maltese as riduna nitħarrġu English. However it was in the college, under the leadership of the late Fr Frans Camilleri, I learned how to write the Maltese sensibly. It was also in the college which has grown in me the love to science and to the singing. When I was fifteen years intella've been and what I nniżżel wall, and it was the late Fr. Emvin Busuttil SJ to mexxieni spiritually and helped me choose between the priesthood and medicine. tnt track With his advice, għaraft that I was not called to a doctor of the soul, and so I chose a doctor of the body. Of young account in "MUSEUM" until have reached the twenty-seven years, and therefore tnt track did not go dances and girls was not looking, but I like to read and to study, tnt track I play chess, and my biggest tnt track Hobby that time was the Astronomy. I cut out nights tnt track full I look at the moon and the planets and nebulae with a telescope that I have built myself, and even account active member of the Association of Astron

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