What is behind the success of top Russian websites Vkontakte.ru - This site features an integrated Facebook with the placement of the video in the same way pictures will be sent to Facebook. Little Is not Enough, it is not opened its API. Despite the lack of news Profile VKontakte is the most visited website in Russia, with more than 13 million registered users. Mail.ru has managed to become the second most visited site in Russia on Alexa, as well as leading mail portal in Russia, which includes many other social networking features, such as photos and videos, blogs, bookmarks, maps, news, and more. Yandex.ru become the leading search engine in Russia, combined with additional services such as e-mail, news, maps, dictionaries, bookmarks, and so on. Search engine optimized, of course, to the morphology of Russian indian speed post tracking language. Odnoklassniki.ru classmates indian speed post tracking elected to be the key to group entities to communicate. His success is so great that it swept across Russia storm. This is a simple tool to find classmates. Registration is only possible if users provide information about their school. Once registered, they can upload photos, send messages to other users, which can be searched using school or college they went to or by name. It also contains the function of the forum, but its main value is to help people find and not to maintain regular contacts and exchange of information outside the picture. Classmates is considered the fourth most visited site and has more than 18 million registered users. Top Russian sites:
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