Sunday, December 8, 2013

The package - it being a gift - just go through customs, but it is actually the duty cost is neglig

Parcel Australia | I went to Australia and then come ...
Although Christmas is still far away, I walk on my mind, what will they get those at home. I know, I know, there is not timely, but I often think of my loved. I did a little research that it can be sent to Hungary under what conditions, and what if I say keep the mood.
First, the parcel - and I am talking mainly pos laju tracking about the packages over 2 kg - can take place in several forms. Can air or sea, express or general, with or without follow-up. From their service, there is a pair of in order to avoid publicity, so anyway you all know who I mean, the big international pos laju tracking carriers are also available. In addition, there are local competitors, such as the Send Pack, but there is the tradition of the fans of Australia Post. Those who say he saw the movie Cast Away was in the know, that it is the past is not joking when it comes csomagküldésről, so his services are very professional, you can choose different execution time than get prices. It is not cheap, in fact. It is very expensive.
The Australia Post prices are compared to the two véglelet, the express service in many cases more expensive than the multinationals, but the shipping is much cheaper. The only downside is that it is come to Europe pos laju tracking for months at sea in the package, and then we go is why I am writing this post right now. According to the website on September 28th, otherwise we have time to pack up sending you will manage to give up, you are more or less guaranteed to arrive for Christmas.
The package - it being a gift - just go through customs, but it is actually the duty cost is negligible compared to the cost of shipping. It was the big dilemma is exactly what I send, and what additional costs will be for me to count. From September 2011 to interpret the customs legislation of the Commission Regulation 1006/2011/EU according to the laws and common provisions of the European Union - between Australia and Hungary. According pos laju tracking to this document, if you send a package from Australia to Hungary an individual to another individual or as a passenger to a maximum of 700 million worth of goods, the discount is subject to a 2.5% flat rate. Of course, this is only true if the contents of the package is only used by the recipient or his immediate family, and casual nature of the parcel. A package like this can only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes and may avail itself of this option.
Tariff-free also qualify - based on the above cases - the goods of negligible value, which could be worth up to 150, according to the Council Regulation 1186/2009/EK, but not alcohol and tobacco products and / or perfume, eau de toilette. Also, tariff-free products are considered those that do not exceed the limit the quantities pos laju tracking of duty-free anyway (for example, X is a cigarette etc) that the sixth chapter of the aforementioned regulation when sending to negotiate with third countries. In this case, the total value of the package may not exceed 45 value, not to mention the fact that the quantity - I think - is quite limited. If you have been because the person pos laju tracking spends a small fortune on delivery, you telepakolná the box all that much. At least I did.
So many options, there is one that the person you are sending something up. 150 in value, but it places no tobacco pos laju tracking or alcohol in perfume, or send something pos laju tracking to 45 terms, pos laju tracking and more can be a little of this, little pos laju tracking fact, and you can both be completely tax-free to the story - an individual, ad hoc nature and personal use in case of course . Or, send a large package into which you can place, as "almost" anything pos laju tracking up. Up to 700, and you pay the 2.5% duty. I'm sympathetic to the latter.
The only problem with this otherwise, it seems that, in the case of Australia Post run out of time, because next week it is certain that there will be no time or opportunity to send the proposed package, although I would like to. It is not entirely clear to clear customs to be completed which paper or exactly where to indicate the contents and headings for the package. The next few days so I'm not sure that kind of thing to deal with, nevertheless, now this can be a wake-up for those who would send any package, just do not know how or when.
a good one because it would be good to take a few bottles of Australian wine. but I can not carry a dozen home
It is therefore good for large mail order (eg, DHL). Feladásnál should be completed only if a fecnit be admitted, it is home to a declaration against the company is doing. I think one of the most convenient and safest method. When a packet comes in, only a courier, the recipient must pay the customs duty. Not after szaladgálás and no suction, no one media at a panic.
Last year we were up a box of little things, do not ask by what, but it was not so very small box

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