Sunday, December 1, 2013

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Read more Calcalist: Boehner: "The American administration activities will resume andreani within a day," the 90 minute: raised the U.S. debt ceiling sanity test Washington's "totally fed up with the American people in Washington," Obama said during remarks andreani at the White House. President said that it is possible to recover using three measures: long-term planning of the government budget that includes spending cuts but preserves the essential software; bill to reform agriculture, and the repair bill immigration andreani system andreani "wrecked". "We can do this by the end of the year, if we focus on the American people," said Obama.
Federal services were shut down for 16 days and U.S. insolvency came after Sharifovliknim refused to approve the budget includes funding of the "Obama - cold." It also prevented the U.S. debt ceiling. Am, the last date for raising the debt ceiling, approved the agreement between the parties allowing the completion of downtime and extending the borrowing authority of the government, preventing the potential insolvency. Measures agreed upon are temporary: the new bill allows the finance minister until 15 January, the government's funding authority by raising the debt ceiling will expire on February 7.
Barack Obama, the U.S. president Photo: Bloomberg is not clear what degree of harm suffered by the Republican Party, who insisted create a crisis in the hope of forcing President Obama to postpone the implementation of the health reform law, "Obama - cold", and completely failed in the face of Obama's strategy. President Administration Select not blinking and not give the Republicans trying to squeeze andreani the health reform changes. He just click the Legislature to do what he viewed Congress must do: to approve a budget and repay debts.
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