Although the Czech Republic has a document Principles of integration postal rates of foreigners, their strategy towards immigrants has been unable to formulate concrete. No universal model of integration does not exist, it is necessary to find a suitable concept for each state.
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Currently in our questions postal rates migrants addressed at the ministerial level policy towards migrants formed on the basis of partial administrative steps, not as an application of a comprehensive concept. But the question of how the current postal rates incoherence of the Czech society develop tools to integrate foreigners when we can not even enough to integrate their own citizens. Residence of Foreigners regulates several different legal standards, which provide several types of stays under which an alien may reside in our country. With every type of residence postal rates is associated rights and obligations, which has a key impact on the life of foreigners, their possibilities and prospects. Terms of how to travel to the Czech Republic to start the work or do business and live, since the nineties developed and changed. Foreigners are against employers at a disadvantage from the date of accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union are distinguished in terms of conditions of employment for two groups of foreigners: EU / EEA and Switzerland (for the performance of their jobs do not require a work permit) and third-country nationals who need a work permit. Obtain a work permit postal rates is for companies postal rates and migrants very complicated. The legal employment of third country nationals in the Czech Republic it is necessary that the employer if it intends to employ foreigners, notify the competent labor office vacancy and its characteristics. Foreigners may only recruit for vacancies that can not be due to the required qualifications postal rates or lack of available labor to fill otherwise. Its intention to employ foreigners, including their number, type of work and the estimated time of work by foreigners, the employer is obliged to inform and consult postal rates in advance with the regional branch of the Labour Office. A foreigner applying for a work permit in writing to the relevant regional office of the Labour Office usually before their arrival in the Czech Republic. Execute all necessary documents is also very difficult for him. Foreigners with a visa for employment purposes have access to the Czech labor market in several respects formal restrictions, are dependent on the duration of employment and thus potentially endangering the end of stay. The advantage of an employment relationship is that it provides health insurance. Foreigners, however, are tied to their job, and his eventual postal rates change must be very well prepared to impair stay. Foreigners can easily become a victim of manipulation or exploitation by employers - just for staying dependence that the retain employment. Czech authorities do not effectively prevent, though often foreigners know about the problems. The police can use the information from employers that caught illegally working foreigners. While employers often do not expect any sanctions because the relevant Labour Office about the situation may not even know. Illegal employment in addition not only those where the alien has no employment contract. It is for them even if the employment contract postal rates does not contain all elements according to valid legislation or if employers do not comply with the agreed contract. Foreigners accede to such conditions as the work cost, not able to get another job because they fear expulsion. They can not resist and do not know whom to turn to for help and if they can not turn to anyone. The thorny path to first work on the Czech labor market postal rates can be accessed in several ways. Some use companies that work in the Czech Republic mediate. Execute formalities postal rates and contact the employer, who then closed with a stranger contract, part of the paperwork is done by himself and the role of intermediary companies ends. Of course, it also entails risks. It may happen postal rates that the company will bring real potential employees by employers, but it offers only a limited number of jobs. Foreigners eventually adopt, but under much harsher conditions. postal rates Another option foreigners to start working here is the so-called client system. "Client" execute the work visa, required permits, the foreigner is an employee, or at a trade certificate and receives from him part of their earnings. It is the predominant pattern of Ukrainian labor migration to the Czech Republic. The client hires people often places and regions where he himself comes and his monthly income ranges between fifteen and fifty percent of monthly income "employees". Major risk lies in the fact that the contract between the client and the employee is often based on personal contacts and sometimes even just an informal oral agreement. Employees do not have a copy of the signed postal rates contract and do not know their rights. In response to the difficulties of the client system, Charity launched a project assistance employment of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic, which consisted in the fact that it has received a list of employers opened their branches in Ukraine and Ukrainians offered free processing DOC
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