News, about how in times of crisis is increasing unemployment, many people are worried yodel tracking about the place is what most people are looking at job boards, it has slowly become (newspaper) weekly bread. Among the vulnerable, including young people.
The rate of "youth unemployment" of course vary by country. The highest is expected in Spain (45.7 percent) and Greece yodel tracking (42.8 per cent), followed closely followed by Slovakia, Lithuania and Latvia. The best situation is vice versa in the Netherlands and Austria, where young moreover start working at an early age. Also plays a role of greater flexibility and a greater number of vacancies. Czech Republic yodel tracking is situated halfway down the ladder, in October 2011 the unemployment rate of persons under 25 years of 18.8 percent.
Why is 40 percent of young Spaniards unemployed and most of the employees work only on short-term contracts or brigade? What will strengthen the duplicity of the Czech labor law? Spaniards revolted against tunneling state. Czech heading in a similar direction gives Drabek: socík for some, for others capitalism
Why do young people have a problem finding a job? First, due to lack of experience, but the reason is the insecurity of employment young person represents. For a young person at risk of enterprise risk that, for example, decides to study or go abroad.
The bad situation was also the current tense situation in Europe. When the company decided to savings and redundancies, yodel tracking in many cases, first get rid of people who have the least experience. First start working Danes
The age at which young people are classified among the economically active in different EU countries varies. The Eurostat defines as the age at which he earns more than half of the people. In Denmark it is 15 years in the Netherlands, 16 in the UK and Austria 17 years. This includes Finland. "It's quite normal that after secondary school student for at least a year working and traveling, and only then try to log on to college," says Saara Juustiová, who is studying in Helsinki.
As data from the European Commission, it is for young people who are working, are particularly typical remote chokers. They are often characterized yodel tracking by irregularities, is common work on weekends, in the evening or at night, or in shifts.
Regarding the type of contract, nearly half of people 25 years of working on a temporary basis. This type of contract is particularly typical for Estonia, Poland and Portugal. The reason may be, as in the case of part-time jobs, employers' unwillingness to give just a job without experience, individuals yodel tracking who are often still at work educates.
In the Czech Republic, the proportion of these contracts as well as in other former Soviet republics relatively low. For the benefit we might call a higher job protection, lack of flexibility is limited and exclusion of people whom employers can not offer more - after all, 63 percent of young people in the EU work part precisely because they could not get full-time. Typical work? Saleswoman or waiter
Looking for a job? On Pení find a comprehensive and regularly updated offer jobs from labor offices in the Czech Republic. You can search by fields of work, but also by district or municipality directly - and, of course, combine both options.
Most often (almost 60 percent) aged 25 years working in the retail and wholesale trade, manufacturing, construction and hotels and catering services. Problem finding a job in their field may have graduating college. "My friend, who was studying accounting, had to go sell shoes. Instead she found thanks to this experience, yodel tracking apparently because he knows how to deal with people, "says Pooja Varyaniová from Scotland. Girts Aleksans, who is studying law in Riga, has also manual work experience, but for a different reason: "I'm at the bar, because I earn more than if I tried to do something qualified."
Young people are either classically employed, working in family businesses yodel tracking or are engaged yodel tracking in business - the proportion of these people, however, the EU small group from 15 to 24 years is about four percent, most such people in Italy and Romania. In the Czech Republic, the proportion of entrepreneurs in the group under 24 years of 6.6 percent.
"The low proportion yodel tracking of young entrepreneurs is not surprising, since many of these people still lacks the skills, experience and resources needed to open their own business. In addition, young people usually want to get their first work experience as employees, they start to work on ourselves, yodel tracking "says the Commission report Youth in Europe. A Statistical Portrait. Why is unemployment risk
Youth unemployment, the European Commission and national governments are trying to solve in order to prevent social exclusion and the deterioration of living standards of the people. The longer unemployment lasts, yodel tracking the growing risk that the individual work habits return.
"Although it is a group of young people currently less numerous and these people are better educated than previous generations, enter the labor market for them remains
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