Monday, April 6, 2015

Those in which it decided that separates Crimea from Ukraine and Russia returns were people themsel

The discussion Transnational ripoff ... (9:30 today) WL: That's very nice that ... (8:43 today) post office tracking Nobody: That would make me really wonder ... (7:31 today) Jacob: This is a great self-confidence, ... ( Today 7:01) are primarily those points ... (today post office tracking 5:00)
editor (at)
Last Update 4.3 6:22 p.m. CET
Remember all those rough crap John Kerry, post office tracking a clown in the White House, Hillary Clinton and obsequious Merkel about the harsh penalties they have "greatly damaged" the Russian economy, if Russia does not prevent voting in a referendum in the Crimea? Well, it was all crap, another gust of stinking air from the puppet in the White House and sycophantic German chancellor, who is a disgrace to the German post office tracking nation. Russians John Kerry ever said sanctions against Russia would destroy Europe and Russia damaged only slightly.
Of course, after pretending to be macho guys claims had to be imposed something that retails media Washington could inflate into sanctions, so Washington came up with sanctions, not against Russia, but against eleven individuals: Ukraine's deposed president, counselors ousted president 2 and 7 representatives of the Crimean Russians.
The selection of these representatives is a complete mystery. Ono seven Russians are Putin's secretary, Putin's adviser, four members of the Russian parliament (Duma) and vice-premier. What had any of these people in common with the referendum in the Crimea, nobody knows.
In addition, these sanctions apply only to bank accounts abroad that these 11 individuals could have outside Russia. Most likely, this means that it touches just ousted Ukrainian president. If we have to believe all the propaganda about him. Another report states that sanctions will apply only for the next six months.
Those in which it decided that separates Crimea from Ukraine and Russia returns were people themselves. According to the text of Obama's stupid penalty should the sanctions be applied to the population of Crimea, who voted for secession from the US government post office tracking in Kiev shots.
In addition, post office tracking Obama's sanctions apply to the man himself and his regime and puppets in NATO, because it was the West who overthrew the elected government of Ukraine, not Russia or Crimea. Americans, of course, laws against each other never apply.
Obama's hypocrisy is zblití. It's the clown in the White House who intervenes in Ukraine. post office tracking It was Washington who funded and organized the overthrow of elected Ukrainian government, using a well-organized and well-armed neo-Nazis who intimidate unarmed police and ruling party, and thus cleared the way for it to be able to put Washington unelected government of their well-paid shots.
But what an incompetent clown in the White House overlooked was that the southern and eastern Ukraine are Russian, not Ukrainian, so this imbecile coup caused the Crimea separated, and led to widespread protests against the government post office tracking of unelected puppets of Washington in Kiev in eastern Ukraine. Washington's puppet government in Kiev Ukrainian multimiliardáře appoint unelected and oligarchs who have their own security forces, mayors of Russian cities to suppress the protests. If these oligarchs used violence against the local Russians, most likely it will lead to the fact that the Russian army takes control of eastern Ukraine, which is in all key respects Russia.
If Russia returns eastern Ukraine, Washington post office tracking will remain ultra nationalist western Ukraine, people who fought during World War II under Hitler. EU ultra nationalists wants because EU nationalism and sovereignty of European countries harshly suppressed. However, Washington gets to Moscow strategic advantage because he can on the border of Western Ukraine and Russia put interceptors and create another military base, and thus complete the encirclement of Russia opposing military and missile bases.
One can only wonder post office tracking why Putin precaution does not preclude the upcoming American attack on Russia by destroying NATO economically, without firing a shot. To do this, simply cut Europe Putin from power. Washington post office tracking would take three years to create the capacity required to serve American natural gas to Europe, frakováním obtained for the destruction of the American Water Resources. At that time, however, the governments of European members of NATO have been overthrown as a result of mass unemployment and economic hardship. Putin could also confiscate all foreign assets in Russia and quickly complete agreement with China, India, Brazil and South Africa for the waiving post office tracking of the dollar in international settlement.
The world needs to understand that the neoconservative US government's Third Reich on steroids. It is a malevolent force without any sense of justice and respect for the truth, the law or human life. Just ask the residents of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Palestine, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran. Even deluded western post office tracking Ukrainians to begin

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