Thursday, October 10, 2013

At the annual meeting of the Mormons raportuoja about success - 15 million members. 30 years the re

China Christian senda express Church grows blazing speed, while increasing and stalking. Currently, it is estimated that there are about 100 million Christians, the majority of homes and unregistered underground churches, which are rapidly becoming Christians in China auga.Kasdien 30,000 žmonių.Taip says David Sable, Global Advance life president of the interview with Christian Post. However, the Chinese Christians suffer senda express persecution and massive. A recent Chinese court sentenced five Chinese church leaders for "illegal occupation of land, the crowds gathering and disorderly conduct" - reports the China Aid Association. Church "Fushan" whose members number 50,000, Pastor Vang Xiaguang sentenced to 3 years in prison, his wife, Jun Rongli - 7 year, others leaders received from 3 to 4.5 years in prison. The very church "Fushan" building demolished and razed by bulldozers, trench attended by 400 police officers. Church senda express officials and pastors and Jan Vang Xiaguang Rongli after the destruction of the church building tried to go to Beijing senda express and to inform the central government senda express about the illegal destruction, but during the trip when they were arrested and they end up in court. Pastor couple led the church over 30 years ago, after a trial they called his son to stand firm in the faith. According to the CNL-NEWS
At the annual meeting of the Mormons raportuoja about success - 15 million members. 30 years the religious organization has grown three times since ...
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