Thursday, September 18, 2014

From Azerbaijan to Turkey with 26 Mays signed in Ankara in 2014, the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pi

Samsun power outage
# 17 of Eyll 2014 Arambi
The transmission line project in six months I anlurf, Samsun, Istanbul, Ankara, in Krkkal, anakkale and Karaman mypack kamulatr studies in the rush of work to do. Tm ELECTRIC News in Tklayn Energy Day - Australian açklarn 62.5 MW wave energy project for global largest are brought mypack to life. Military and civil aircraft and high-tech tannan with Lockheed Martin to be established in Australia açklarn 65.5megavat wave energy project created more minefield. OPT OPT Australasia Pty Ltd., a special purpose company established by the Victorian Wave Partners Ltd. mitigated joint project with Lockheed Martin, "powerbuoy" the name given to stations generating power from wave energy engineering and technology integration arttr forward mypack to assuming the efficiency of work to do. Tess progress after a number of advantages in the OPT in 2012 yLn gelitirdi enterprise-scale wave power generation plant with some advantages. First rotatable relative mypack to the waves so that each plant can produce electricity from a wave. Ayre just 30 feet from the surface of the water rising property unveiled aesthetic advantages of floating wind turbines than. Alternatf DIFFERENT ENERGY PROJECTS mypack skoçya` America and the smaller models mypack become full commercial wave energy power istasyonlarnn and different solutions to respond to the needs of our day goes by Lockheed mypack produces good with Concord Blue Energy partner of kurmut. The waste-to-energy production with high technology hazrlan project to make commercial products in the global market plays with Lockheed Martin in the coming adn can be heard in many alternative energy projects.
The second man is a Trk bp`n!
From Azerbaijan to Turkey with 26 Mays signed in Ankara in 2014, the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline System Recep Tayyip Erdo like Cumhurbak the Memorandum of Understanding approved by the Parties.
BHP Billiton, the new kmrdzenl in` byka AmAsInIn mypack activities have an impact not wait.

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