Tuesday, September 2, 2014

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Alba Iulia Liberals praise the mailboxes | Alba TV
Added by AlbaTV on February 28, 2014 Saved under News, Political News Tags: mailbox, Florin Roman Gabriel plesa, posts, PNL, rares Buglea, important transportation service, simone Albania STP
Mailboxes of residents of Alba Iulia was stormed by liberals in the city. At the beginning of spring, PNL Alba Iulia informs the local news as the beginning of the year has ...
Albaiulienilor mailboxes are choked by paperwork with lightning information tracking post Liberals. "Dear friends, we have news for you the beginning of the year in Alba Iulia," states with no envelope exclamation receipt of NLP Alba Iulia. The news sent the beginning of the year in late February by the politicians in question refers to a decision by the local council has enacted free of charge on public transport public transport services for the unemployed in county capital
"We in the Liberal Party, I convinced my colleagues from Alba Iulia City Council to give it free so that the unemployed must be able to easily look for a job. Consider an investment in the future of the city, not a welfare "writes inter alia liberal sheet signed tracking post by councilors Simone Albani, Gabriel Pleşa, Rares Buglea Daniel Petric Zdrânc and Basil. The achievement in question and assigns, by signature, the president PNL Alba Iulia, Florin Roman, dubbed the Great Man himself Projects ...
Might interest you the following items: Atanasiu drive movement "Pro Johannis" PNL Ridge Assembly: PDL = PNL PNL +! "The challenge bucket of water" in Alba Iulia Alba Iulia PSD Congress? Three promotion: CIL Blaj union rugs and AS Panade "traditional rugs Port" award at the International Festival of Ethnographic Film-Zlatna IPS Irenaeus bless The settlement of Alba Iulia Alba Iulia Society of sources - Blessing of the Greek Catholic Church dedicated to " Virgin Birth "League 3: Metalurgistul Cugir-CS Oşorhei 3-3 (3-2) cut Berghin PSD Social Democrat in the flesh!
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Alba School Inspectorate launched the 7th series of the competition selection for the National Body of Experts ...
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