Monday, September 8, 2014

ROKETSAN held in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States, where international firms in the

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ROKETSAN held in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States, where international firms in the American Armed Forces cep Exhibition (AUSA) this year with the participation of a wider range of products provided. Javelin 2.75 "Laser Guided Missile, Long and Medium Range Antitank Missile, as well as recently test shots successfully performed" Low Altitude Air Defence Missile ", series cep production started," Stand-Off Missile "and UAVs shot capability increases the" Mini Smart Munitions " cep new generation missile systems such as the international leading companies in the defense industry showed that the competitive level.
During the fair, the United States and the world with the leading companies in the defense industry, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing and MBDA interviews were conducted with a high level of cooperation. In particular, the inventory of the Turkish Air Force in 2017, which will enter into "JSF" New Generation Strike Fighter Its ability to contribute to the integration of Füzesi cep for Stand-Off with Lockheed Martin has reached an important stage.
Roketsan of the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation's is an institution.

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