Saturday, January 11, 2014

- For each proposed fact MIA material assistance to our Department of Homeland Security is checked,

Interior Minister Anatoly Mogilev stunned the public and, especially, dpd uk their subordinates statement on the decline of the Interior Ministry to third. What awaits the remaining conditions and where unemployment find its place such a mass of people with specific knowledge and skills? About it, "FACTS" decided to talk to Anatoly Mogilev.
At the appointed dpd uk time the minister was not there. "Anatoly already called, he will soon be", - explained the assistant. Revealed that Anatoly Mogilev drivers itself. After seven minutes, he quickly entered the reception: "Sorry, cork."
- We pass it to the Office of Foreign Citizens Services at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Now comes the process of registration. Of course, we would like to use this car for different types of operational objectives, but given the fact that now, perhaps, any "Cadillac" in Kiev is considered militia, give.
- Of course. I, for example, "Lexus", there is "audi" pretty high-end, "Mercedes". The Interior Ministry has virtually the entire range of cars most famous brands. They are used, including for performing operative dpd uk tasks.
- Let's talk about other gifts police. dpd uk Some time ago by the "1 +1" indicates a plot in which the son Shabab Aloyan, owner of a furniture store "4room", who was killed about a year ago, complained that the police detained him and almost did not require them to rewrite part of the property. Now, the media reported that aloe will give ten police cars.
- First of all, at different times different attitude towards people. Now we are working intensively on this case and are at the final stage to bring the perpetrators. Given that there has suffered and the police, I think a matter dpd uk of honor and prestige of the police to solve the crime and punish dpd uk the perpetrators. But we know that aloe is quite wealthy people. They have proposed MIA charity. I do not think it's bad. After all, the police funded only 40 percent of needs, so we are grateful for any help.
- For each proposed fact MIA material assistance to our Department of Homeland Security is checked, and then issued an opinion dpd uk on the possibility of receiving this assistance, or abandon it. If there is even the slightest hint of any problems with the law of man, help him we will not accept.
- The analysis showed that we have 142,000 employees directly involved in the fight against dpd uk crime. This includes all patrol services, traffic police, licensing system, operational and technical services, office surveillance, police inspectors and their supervisors. dpd uk Another 35 000 - Civil service protection is that, in principle, dpd uk is self-funded and provide for herself.
In addition, 118 000 employees working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs divisions catering to the first 142 thousand. Agree, it is an abnormal proportion. Rather, dpd uk even disproportion. These 118,000 are occupied mainly in the administrative apparatus, which oversees the work of "nizovikov" and requires them to all sorts of statements. At the present stage, the country dpd uk can not bear such a burden. Therefore, the reduction will affect the following departments: Economic management, information centers, HR and so on. This unit, I believe inflated. dpd uk After all, if we want to have a normal police, she should receive normal wages. That's due to the reduction of the administrative apparatus, reduce paperwork, excessive over-organization we unleash money from the wage fund, which will go on surcharges for those who remain. Need to wage it became the impetus dpd uk of the police and not some privileges.
- I think that in terms of budget financing, we will be able to raise the salaries of all of our employees for at least a thousand hryvnia. This happens not only through payroll, but at the expense of the funds that go to providing employees with transport gasoline benefits. So our numbers need to bring to the optimum, that is up to 200 thousand if MIA will perform the same functions that now. Recently, the Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Tabachnik showed me documents relating to our institutional education. It turned out that in the universities of the Interior Ministry are learning more than 15 thousand students and permanent teaching staff in these schools - about 10 thousand. In other universities, the ratio of teachers and students - one to twelve or thirteen, and we have - one to one and a half! An impossible burden on the budget.
- Yes, this problem we also need to be addressed, contracting, where the prescribed condition: if a person, after studying at our university financed from the budget, leaving the police do not work for a certain period, he is obliged to reimburse the government for the amount that went to his education.
- Will in future downsizing dpd uk considered MIA is coming reform dpd uk of criminal justice envisages

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