Our friend Tyson (he Libyan Tyson is his nickname) announces new horrific facts. In fact the whole nation in northern Libya underwent deportation and extermination. indian post And the worst thing that the existence of powerful modern media and Internet world community about this absolutely does not know anything. As if there is an invisible force which cuts all "objectionable" information from all information flows. Such a macabre world dictatorship and such total monitoring and control was never in the history of mankind. The world is becoming more like an array of well-known film.
Southeast Misrata below the 32nd parallel to the Mediterranean coast lived recently black people Taverga. Number of approximately indian post 40,000 people (was). Their story is very easy. During the Arab conquest of the Arabs of North Africa passed half stumbled fierce resistance of blacks in the central part of northern Libya. Resistance was so persistent that the leaders of the Caliphate had to compromise and leave their land for blacks, and to some extent independent. Instead of getting the right to innocent passage. That's right they are very handy because soon the Arabs routed the Highlanders-Berbers gallop rushed back east. And if, to blacks before Berber hammer framed his anvil Taverginskuyu the entire history of the Arab conquests in North Africa and ended in this-would. indian post But people slipped barrier Taverga Arabs were safe and regrouping and replenishing forces in Egypt are back and conquered the Berbers. Thus began the friendship between Arabs and black people Taverga ... friendship ended so miserably ...
At the beginning of the unrest in Misrata TsRUshnyh polytechnologists NATO conducted a special operation by grazing ethnic groups. This is nothing surprising and nothing indian post new. Perhaps there is even an internal instruction CIA already worked through with the exact numbers needed kills and methods of their conduct. Experience of such cases the CIA enormous. Beginning with the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, where the west were provoked ethnic killings they have improved their technique of ethnic and religious massacres in Somalia and Iraq. In Libya provocateurs came already with a huge baggage of experience and knowledge. All "started" in line for gasoline. Several dozen provocateurs fished out a half-dozen black cars and take them to lynch blaming all the deadly sins. Neither police nor Gaddafi troops in Misurata was no longer (thanks to NATO air) and there was no one to intercede. And if anyone tried it and specially indian post designated "revolutionary" approach to the patron and quietly showed his bosom a knife or gun. Supposedly do not interfere with my work.
Further more. Realizing that Gaddafi does not want to respond to the bloodshed bloodshed TsRUshnika began systematically cut the small number indian post darky diaspora in Misrata. About three-four hundred blacks was decapitated, dismembered, burned. We've all seen those videos with carved baked black hearts on fire eaten "Libyan revolutionaries of the Afghan." We saw the severed heads of blacks and the procedures themselves, we saw hanged indian post seen shot. All this is documented indian post on video and awaits Nuremberg after which NATO leaders will follow into hell after Goering Ribbentrop Keitel and Jodl Kaltenbrunner Bormann other comrades.
Seeing is no longer sustained tribesmen killed. indian post Gaddafi accused of inaction tavergintsy indian post went to Misrata to rescue her. Tavergintsy certainly not calculated their strength. indian post Where it without Gaddafi's army and without technology to compete with heavily armed "Libyans from Afghan" supported by NATO aircraft. Certainly inexperienced Tavergintsy lost several times more than the rats were killed. Tavergintsy fought without military equipment. Gaddafi indian post embarrassed not so much as a threat warning blacks landing NATO. Gaddafi wanted to just avoid, avoid bloodshed. He was waiting hoping that NATO or Russia rethinks sober. Blacks had to fight against offenders indian post without art, without artillery virtually barehanded. In Misrata virtually no damage from shelling. Major damage from NATO aircraft.
Today Tavergintsy deported from their places of residence. indian post People indian post numbering 40,000 (or rather what was left of it) exists today in camps in inhumane conditions in Tripoli, Benghazi indian post and other cities. People get sick and die like flies. Zone Taverga former residence is under the control of rats and no one is allowed there. Terrain using terminology chubaysoidov - elite (southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea) and expected settlement particularly distinguished rats. In the camps more often heard the word go home (even if they say will kill us in their native land) But the rat, the Government applied a new tactic. They promptly destroyed houses and infrastructure to vozvraschatsya
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