Sunday, January 19, 2014

Well, yes. This is Egypt is overrated. I prefer engelsk there knows. ;)

Dry as Egypt or children wyjechay my dad on holidays. I schedule vacation during this time and many steps on KTRE every day I do not have time - posprzta addressee laundry and garage - uporzdkowa toys Misi - embrace laundry, linen etc - comes every day to the pool - watch some filmw - read a book Fallaci and mustache - odmdy up at several gupawych gierkach on the net and all byoby great, A person would not. uPAR up to provide me with some Przesyk. I can not answer this consignment to Sunday, I have plans (above) and Przesyka preclude their implementation Upar a certain person. on the second day of freedom (children wyjechayw Saturday) receive is known voice mail. odsuchaam not, but I know that chodzioo provide consignment. write sms: I'm not in cognition. przesyk deliver on Sunday for a week unfortunately, One Person uPAR up. I might add that you can provide t Przesyk addressee wycznie me personally. hang a laundry in prali. because it saves must always suppressing behind wiato. wic no panties addressee in the laundry addressee hung isysz ... pounding on the window. no no! A person run over 200 km Eby provide Przesyk, despite the fact that clearly write that I'm not in the knowledge! the unconditioned reflex World extinguish laundry. A person certainly We all climb on tyy home to check if a there not hide ... luckily in my pocket fleece miaam phone. mute it quickly. calling. not answered. I'm cold. Laundry is not heated. nay, I have the window open all the time. let up airs and fungus. phone again. again not answered. begin with text messages: I'm outside your house. Exit and receive Przesyke. written down: there is no me. important to garaui calling ssiadki next proszc to inform A Senior (if you knock her) that I'm a few days they left, and she has a contract for feeding anchors . koczymy conversation. after three minutes ssiadka calls back, with A person addressee already in the bya. accordance with the agreement to pass a margin determined telling. for moments rings brother. you, ringing One person addressee wants me to pass your Przesyk! you can not answer it! - I answer. ssiadka rings. A person odjechaa addressee NG. lie down on the warm thick clothing, KODR and a blanket. all in the dark. A person probably now lurks in the distance and waiting and inflammatory wiato. addressee calling Mom: What's going on? A ringing person that wants to provide the tools Przesyk! jesu, it is 250 kilometers further. Mom I answered that my not receiving consignments. back to the laundry with equipment mountaineer. wycieam bath blankets, wa, I cover up and washed KODR plan. brother rings with a certain person przedara the wire intercom and pounding him in the door. mae brother addressee has an apartment. whispers to Person A does not detect the required his presence at home. Comb out. plan already have washed. I am in Egypt. I wpad idea of Egyptian darkness, KTRE zalegay. bya temperature addressee but away from the Egyptian realiw. banging on the window. A person does not give up. write sms: I am in Egypt. Answer: Yeah. cae luck on the internet is now everywhere. even on my phone. I am looking fot the egiptu.mam. shipping. after a while sms: you (the Owaka) with another flunkey this time she went to Egypt! A person does not mince wsowach. Although 'whore' never say (because it is after all an ugly word!) but grown rabble in biaych rkawiczkach. flunkey ... rozgldam up. dark. nave poowy zamanego flunkey no wok. further text messages. I'm so and Owaka. addressee and yet SRAKA. and I immediately answer Przesyk! another beautiful fot sending greeting from Egypt. a grape under KODR in the bathtub. another sms. similar to the previous ones. this time (about addressee aoci!) receive content in a pattern: you are tired looking, ugly, Miaa 2 says 100 kochankw! uuuuu pojechao addressee August One Person. must not like me! surely these kochankw zazdroci ... count yourself kochankwi nohow me figure does not fit ... A person threatened yet, ebdzie into my house to time, and a will (of course adds another miesowa). Good luck iwczam addressee Sudoku on your phone. grams of hours. ssiadka rings that auto odjechao. prudently play ciank even half an hour. then WYA of the bath-Egypt. I will tell you that cold in the Egypt as hell. and dark. and the ass I have such a holiday. national freedom. cay wieczr krtki organize a trip, where nearby. chatynka, Comp, newspaper and me. A person because Moewe any time again up here will ... and I to Sunday MAY NOT answer the consignment ...
:-) Because some things, the goodness or perch, better addressee wait out. Many times it is better for each of the interested parties. Baabym up just wrote that I was in Egypt. Because I do not know enough up on the phone that I have no idea whether text messages have no where secretly placed location. And words: "he he"
Well, yes. This is Egypt is overrated. I prefer engelsk there knows. ;)
These'm curious of it all ;) mysterious story, like a fragment of books A.christie ;) Pozdr

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